- Colours of the Rising Sun -- Thought i would do a post on the rising sun and its different colours after i took a few bright red sunrise photos, the other day . I found it interesting how at different parts of the dawn you find a variation of colour. I was a little slow and it never dawned on me that it had to do with frequencies that were causing these variants. The old colours of the rainbow. Scattering is the name given to this phenomenon and because the colour red has the longest wavelength of any visible light. The sun is red when it’s on the horizon, where its extremely long path through the atmosphere blocks all other colours. The short wavelength of blue and violet cause these molecules in the air to scatter much more than other colors of the spectrum. When the path is long, all of the blue and violet light scatters out of your line of sight so as the sun gets higher in the sky you see the progress from oranges to yellows and finally the blue. Once it reaches a certain height in the sky where it is at its closest point it continues all the way down, to the setting of the sun.
Sunrise the day before the Eclipse and Blood Moon Currimundi Lakes
- Rising Sun -- Nature and the rising sun had to be so awe inspiring to humans in ancient times. The huge
advances in science over the last couple of hundred years mean we are constantly exposed to new research on
natures workings including celestial bodies. We are thus no longer astonished upon hearing about a
new star or galaxy being discovered, where as back in the dark ages they would have
looked into the sky and been amazed at objects such as stars, planets, the moon, the sun, comets and meteorites . While
events like the recent eclipse and blood moon people would have stood
dumbfounded at the forces of nature. Now days it just passes as another
day. The sun was considered the “Saviour of the World,” as it
rose and brought light and life to the planet. It was revered for
causing seeds to burst and thus giving its life for plants to grow. Ra
the Sun God was also known by different names representing the various
positions of the sun in the sky. In Egyptian worship, Horus is the
rising sun, Ra is the noon sun and then Osiris is god of the dead the
dying or setting sun. Horus is not only the sun but also the North Pole star, and his twin
brother adversary, Set, represents not only darkness but also the South
Pole star.Moments before the Sun Rise
- Sun Rose and Sun Flower --
Sun rose, also called Rock Rose are a low-growing flowering plant
with the flowers resembling single roses. They are useful in rock
gardens and wild gardens . They are of the Helianthemum genus being half
hardy to hardy perennials and have a shrubby nature. These plants were
one of my mum's favourites and her gardens were always full of them between
the garden ornaments of Snow White and her dwarfs or around the mermaid
and pond you would always find the Sun Rose. In mum's garden, mainly
along the fence line you would also find the Sunflower with its display of
positive phototropism bending towards the sun. Light response in plants
is phototropism, which involves growth towards or away from a light
source. A flower which reflects so many of the sun’s positive
characteristics, it isn’t surprising that people enjoy having Sunflowers
in their garden .Sunflowers originated in the Americas in 1,000 B.C.
and have been sourced for their seeds, as well as oils used for cooking and skin emollients for a long time. Daily #French #photooftheday sunflowers in Gascony, France... called tournesol in French, which means turn (tourn) to the sun (sol)! 🌻🌞☀️ pic.twitter.com/HYOxAgHHRC— The Good Life France (@lifefrance) July 31, 2018
Surfing Moffat Beach as the Sun Rose
Sunrise Newcastle East Coast Australia
- House of the Rising Sun -- The earliest recorded version of this song was by Clarence Ashley in 1932 called “Rising Sun Blues”. Country singer, Roy Acuff, recorded it as “The Rising Sun” in 1938. It would later be associated with Eric Burden and the Animals in the 1960's. The 1962 version by Bob Dylan is believed to be the one they first heard and they started playing it on the Chuck Berry tour in 1964 at Manchester. The crowd took to it so strongly they knew that they had to record it and the rest is history. I suppose the song had come back home as the British melody had been brought over to America by British settlers a hundred or more years before with the words obviously being altered as New Orleans was the den of iniquity in the American South.
Bob Dylan House of the Rising Sun 1962
Currimundi Lake at Dawn
Caloundra at Dawn
Point Cartwright at around 7.30am on a Winters Morning
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